Tuesday, June 8, 2010

today i cried...

...as my mischievous little guy cut 5 of my hexies that were displayed so pretty!! i seriously was in tears, not kidding!

well i should be thankful after thinking about it. at least he didn't cut the whole stack! here is the pretty stack, that did get wadded up, but thank goodness for an iron. now they are back in their pretty little glory next to sarah's beautiful picture!

Hoping tomorrow will be a better day!


  1. ouch! should i send you over a whambulance...??? i bet you need one after this kind of serious accident!!! LOL

  2. Oh no! I think I would cry, too.

    By the way...I'm totally stalking your Etsy shop and your blog for news of FFA2 arrival. ;o)

  3. Oh no....sooo sorry. I am sure he was just "helping"...right???

  4. yes, i'm sure he was trying to cut just like mommy does! :)

  5. How old is your little guy? I hope he only cut the fabric and not himself. My two-year-old daughter seems to have an obsession with scissors and sharpie markers right now. I can relate all too well. :)

  6. He is 2 1/2. :) He has cut his hair, his baby brothers hair, and the dogs hair. But he sure seems to always be able to get them, even if I think they are up way out of his reach.

  7. oh dear! i would cry, too. i hope you have more of those fabrics to make duplicates!

  8. Oh my Lucy has just taken an interest in my sewing too. Fabric everywhere if I leave it within her grasp!

  9. Oh, our two year old has done something similar to my work too...
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  10. How frustrating! Guess you will have to hide the scissors from the little one.

  11. That is such a great picture, the second one... Charge yourself pain and suffering and take it out of his college fund. lol. My 5 y/o has done that, too... It's a good thing they're so cute.

  12. Oh no!! So sorry. But like you said, at least it wasn't your whole stack!! Theyare so cute BTW.

  13. Ugh! We had a similar moment when I was tracing around a hexy template, and my Bug decided to do some tracing too on some out-of-print Kokka linen. I was sitting next to him, but I was so absorbed in my sewing that I din't notice :) Happily he used a Crayola texta, and they really do wash out!

  14. oh no! They were so cute!

    I had (and am still currently having) a similar cry moment today... the boy has not taken a nap. I realize that it is a luxury to be frustrated by something this insignificant, but it is still frustrating!

    (and the set up you've got is really cute)

  15. Oh I am so sorry. My son did something similar when he was 3. He was supposed to be napping and I had a large quilt drapped over the iron board and he took the scissoes to it, nothing left but the shape of the ironing board. Funny now - not at the moment!!

  16. Well, they're only little once. As beautiful as your hexies are, they're only fabric. Love your little boy and forget about the lost hexies.

    And Megan, I have found that once I gave my granddaughter (2 1/2) her own box of fabrics (stuff I wasn't going to use for quilting) she left mine alone. If she wants to sew (which is always!) I tell her to go get some of "her" fabric!

  17. Well, bless your heart, they will do it, won't they. I can tell you though, that one day you'll look back and wish they were that small again. Enjoy each day. Pick up the mess and move on!

  18. Kerri - I have a 4 year old and earlier this year he got into cutting my blocks too, here's a link http://roseroomquilts.blogspot.com/2010/02/basting-my-quilt.html
    I was very upset, but he said he was trying to sew like mommy. When I leave my sewing now I always make sure the scissors are put up way out of reach.

  19. My hexies are sitting out on the dining room table as I type. Just today I was thinking, "I'd better move those before SOMEONE (4-year-old!) decides to get creative. I think your post was a warning. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

  20. Oh no! Hopefully they were your hexies and not the swap ones... I am horrified, yesterday I cut my pillow swap pillow top with my rotary cutter..GAH!! Seriously almost cried!! Spent the afternoon ripping it apart :(

  21. Kerri reading everyone's comments made me feel better and hope it did the same for you! In the moment when my twin terrors get into my stuff . . . tears are a given and then I feel bad when they love me up and say sorry! Love the box of their own fabric idea!

  22. everyone's sweet comments have really turned my really hard day into a wonderful night. :) thanks soooo much for lifting my spirits when i needed it, and you are sooo right it is just fabric.

  23. oh no...i would be devastated. glad you could save some

  24. OUCH!!!

    One of my kids loved cutting hair too!! Had to hide all the scissors!


  25. Oh, Kerri! I feel ya! Your photo from Sarah looks SO beautiful! Doesn't she take awesome photographs?? I'm sure your little guy is so cute, he makes up for the mischeviousness! xo

  26. Ouch I actually really honestly know your pain! My little 2 year old Miss Tsunmai did EXACTLY the same to my Mothers, Mothers Day present, a linen applique tea tray cover .. .. .. scissors right through the middle ;'(

  27. Naughty kids!! At least he didn't cut all of them. Happily my son and daughter haven't got at my fabric with the scissors yet, but they do take such joy in 'tidying' my fabric shelves as soon as they are all organized. Drives me mad!

    It is fun to involve them though. My 3y.o wanted to help with my sewing, so he has turned into the chief yoyo thread puller for my latest project (a yoyo quilt funnily enough!). I let him use the needle to sew one with me telling him what to do, and he did an amazingly good job for someone who has never held a needle before, especially as he is only three. He is very excited his yoyo is going to be in the quilt.

  28. Ouch...with the tears come a memory...I'd mend and frame or leave them as is and frame them or scrapbook them. When my son was baptized last year I had made him a memory quilt fromhis clothing from birth to 8 years, for part of my talk on the Holy Ghost. Save those pieces and incorporate them into a quilt for him, it's not funny now but it will be someday.

  29. Oh I have days like that...I am sorry and hope today is better.

  30. You must make quilting and crafting look like irrestible fun.


  31. Oh Ouch! I'm glad there weren't any more casualties!

  32. thankfully the little guy did not get hurt and he was probably doing what you do as an example..:) remember when a thing becomes more important than a relationship it is time to loose the thing !!!!!!!!!!

  33. Those moments, as much as they make you cry, will pass. It is a crazy faze - that scissor obsession. Then one day, years later, you will secretly cry tears of joy at the lovely moment when they take a moment out of their busy teenage lives and pick up the scissors to help you cut. Then on another day you will cry bittersweet tears as they grow into the beautiful adults they are meant to be and the only hand touching those scissors are yours.

  34. i have 2 little guys who are constantly doing things like this. i feel your pain.


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